In His Service

On the Church property here, there’s a peach tree near the road, and that tree was two trees grafted into each other– and that got me thinking: Are we grafted into the vine of Christ? Are we committed to His service to stay grafted? Jesus says in John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

And if we are grafted– are we making sure that we bear much fruit? And, are we making sure our fruit is godly fruit? In another analogy; are we making sure that our armor is tight and secure, to withstand the darts and arrows the enemy tries to throw at us? 

Like a farmer who checks the leaves of his crops to make sure no insect has eaten the leaf or no eggs are laid on the leaf, we must make sure to check ourselves daily, to make sure we are still that emblem of Christ to the world. James said we must be doers of the Word, not hearers only (James 1:22-24).

Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Are we going to be like Paul, running the course set out for us? Will we stay in the service of Jesus? Only those committed to His service will run out the course to completion. Jesus said “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37b).

Will you stay in His service until death?

“In His Service”
by Antonio J. Higgins

Are you drafted in His service,
Like a branch unto its vine?
It is grafted by the Master
To His purpose and design.
Is your armor tightly fitted?
Is your courage through belief?
Like a farmer who is tending
Even to the smallest leaf.

Are you ready for His service,
Like a runner to his course?
Are you steady in your footsteps,
Running like a gallant horse?
Your reflection in a mirror,
Not a spot or blemish found?
The affection of the Master,
Shielding on the battleground.

Are you fitted for His service?
Pledge your life to only God?
Not a-drifted nor a wand’rer
Never knowing where he’s trod?
So committed to the Kingdom,
Fighting ‘til your final breath?
And submitted to the Master,
‘Til the very day of death!

2020 © Antonio J. Higgins, All Rights Reserved.

10 Replies to “In His Service”

  1. AJ, Your writings are a blessing! Your witness of your faith are a great example to the youth of today and all of us. God bless you richly!

    1. Thank you, Jane, for the encouraging and kind words!

  2. Wow! AJ this is so good. Makes you stop and think about things and ourselves too. Excellent!!!

    1. Thank you, Linda!

  3. AJ this really blessed me!! I enjoy your writing so much and these words are very powerful. Thanks for writing!

    -Hannah K.

  4. Thank you for the kind words, Hannah. I’m so glad that my article and poem encouraged you!

  5. Aunt Debbie says: Reply

    Loved this poem with such a beautiful message!

    1. Thank you, Aunt Debbie. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  6. My dad grafted four types of fruit into one tree! We always enjoyed seeing it. Awesome thought of us being grafted in!! I appreciate your words. Very basic to our life!!

    1. I’m glad you were encouraged by my poem, Lois! Thank you for the encouraging words.

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